Rethinking Disability

Approximately 10%-15% of the world’s population is estimated to be disabled and this number is expected to rise in the next decades. How did disability become a global concern and how can the concept be understood in a multicultural world? This European Research Council-funded project seeks to answer these questions by undertaking the first study of the far-reaching implications of the United Nations International Year of Disabled Persons (IYDP, 1981) across the globe.

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In 2020 vieren we 75 jaar bevrijding. In datzelfde jaar zijn in Den Haag de Invictus Games en in Tokio de Paralympische Spelen, allebei sportevenementen voor mensen met een handicap. Het lijkt toeval dat Tweede Wereldoorlog en gehandicaptensport zo bij elkaar komen, maar niets is minder waar.

The ERC-funded project Rethinking Disability was featured in the Fȇte de La Science which was held on 11 October 2019 at Sorbonne University in Paris. Rethinking Disability is one of the ERC projects which was selected to collaborate with ERcComics, an ambitious scheme funded by the H2020 Innovation programme [..]

Call for blogposts: A Public Global History of the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981)

Virtuous Suffering: New perspectives on the Ethics of Suffering for Critical Global Health and Justice

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In deze korte interview serie worden verschillende Nederlandse decanen aan het woord gelaten over de veranderingen met betrekking tot studeren met een functiebeperking die zij hebben zien plaatsvinden in hun werk als decaan. In dit tweede interview Hermien Moning van NHL Stenden Hogeschool in Leeuwarden. 

Last Friday Google Doodle paid tribute to the legacy of Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-1865), the Hungarian obstetrician who first discovered that handwashing can have a life-saving effect.

My story of the UN year of the disabled takes place in Britain. I was fifteen years old and attending Bishop Wand Church of England secondary school in the quiet west of London town of Sunbury-on-Thames. [..]

In the 17th October 1980 issue of the Jewish Chronicle, a letter from a female, wheelchair-using Jewish member of the Multiple Sclerosis Society detailed her difficulties attending synagogue during Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. Upon arrival at the Egerton Road Synagogue, she and her husband found no way for her to access the women’s portion of the prayer chamber. [..]