Baar Monika, Vegetables of the World Unite! Grassroots Internationalization of Disabled Citizens in the Post-War Period, in: Reinisch, J.; Brydan, D. (Eds.) Internationalists in European History, Rethinking the Twentieth Century (Bloomsburry Academic 2021)
Trigt P.W. van, Equal Reproduction Rights? The Right to foud a Family in United Nations’ Disability Policy since the 1970s, History of the Family 25(2) 2020. 202-213
Trigt P.W. van, From asylum to prison? Legality, morality and defendants with intellectual disabilities in Western Europe in the 1990s and 2000s. conference paper 2020.
Trigt P.W. van, Human rights, an unknown disability history and the future of the nation state, conference paper 2020.
Trigt P.W. van, Missing Utopia: Reconsidering the politics of time in the global disability movement, in: Bagchi, B. (Ed) Urban Utopias: Memory, Rights and Speculation (Kolkata: Jadavpur University Press 2020) 120-139.
Parry M.S., Tijsseling C. & Trigt P.W. ‘Slow, Uncomfortable, and Badly Paid: The Benefits of Doing Disability History’, in: Lynch, B.; Smed, S.; Chynoweth, A.; Petersen, K. (Eds.) Museums and Social Change: Challenging the Unhelpful Museum (Routledge 2020)
Anais van Ertvelde, ‘Welfare: defended, questioned, complemented? Belgian welfare arrangements in the 1970s-1980s from the perspective of disability organizations’, in: Monika Baár, Paul van Trigt (Eds.) Whose Welfare? Marginal(ized) groups, global transformations and the flexible contours of the post-war welfare state (Routledge 2019).
Monika Baar, Rethinking the Cold War through the Lens of Disability, conference paper 2019.
Monika Baar, ‘Of Communism, Compromise and Central Europe. The Scholarly Persona under Authoritarianism’, In: Paul H.J. (Ed.) How to be a Historian. Scholarly Personae in Historical Studies 1800-2000 (Manchester 2019) 164-181.
Anna Derksen Monika Baar, ‘Das Internationale Jahr der Behinderten 1981 in historischer Perspektive’, In: Miquel M. van, Degener T. (Eds.) Behindertenpolitik und Behindertenrecht seit den 1970er Jahren. Transcript Verlag (2019) 161-184.
Equal reproduction rights? The right to found a family in United Nations’ disability policy since the 1970s’, in: The History of the Family (August 2019) link: 10.1080/1081602X.2019.1645719
Paul van Trigt, ‘Farewell to social Europe? An entangled perspective on European Disability Policies in the 1980s and 1990s’, In: Baar M.K., Trigt P.W. van (Eds.) Marginalized Groups, Inequalities and the Post-War Welfare State: Whose Welfare? (Londen 2019) 69-80. Link: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9780429424359
Monika Baar, Paul van Trigt, ‘Introduction’, In: Baar M.K., Trigt P.W. van (Eds.) Marginalized Groups, Inequalities and the Post-War Welfare State: Whose Welfare? (Londen 2019) 1-8. Link: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/e/9780429424359
Monika Baar, Paul van Trigt, ‘British and European Citizenship. Entanglements through the Lens of Disability’, in: Journal of Contemporary History 28(1) (2019) 50-52. Link: http://doi.org/10.1017/S0960777318000796
Paul van Trigt, ‘Equal Reproduction Rights? The Right to found a Family in United Nations, Disability Policy since the 1970s’, in: History of the Family (August 2019) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1081602X.2019.1645719
Paul van Trigt, ‘Inequality in Global Disability Policies since the 1970s’, In: Christiansen C., Jensen S. (eds) Histories of Global Inequality (2019) https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-19163-4_8
Paul van Trigt, ‘Gelijkheid zonder beperking. Over de Algemene Wet Gelijke Behandeling (1994) en de constructie van handicap in politieke instituties’, in: BMGN: Low Countries Historical Review 134(1) (2019) 3–27. Link: https://www.bmgn-lchr.nl/article/10.18352/bmgn-lchr.10476/
Paul van Trigt, ‘Ordering Disability. How can Modernity Theory inform Disability History’, in: International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity 7 (2019) 423-442. Link: https://www.history-culture-modernity.org/article/10.18352/hcm.564/
Paul van Trigt, Luc Brants & Alice Schippers, ‘A short history of approaches to disability in the Netherlands’, in: Roy Hanes, Ivan Brown & Nancy Hansen (eds.), The Routledge History of Disability (London 2018) (Link)
Monika Baár, ‘Singing and painting global awareness: international years and human rights at the United Nations’, in: Jonas Brendebach, Martin Herzer & Heidi Tworek (eds.), International Organizations and the Media in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Exorbitant Expectations (Routledge 2018). (Link)
Paul van Trigt, ‘Historicizing the social model: Some preliminary thoughts about the history of disability, science, and politics in postwar Britain and the Netherlands’, Studien des Aachener Kompetenzzentrums für Wissenschaftsgeschichte 17 (2017) 93-103
Monika Baár, ‘De-pathologizing Disability: Politics, Culture and Identity’, Neue Politische Literatur 62 (2017) 281-303, free online access (Link)
Anaïs Van Ertvelde, Sarah Bracke & Lith Lefranc, ‘Unruly Bodies: Gender / Norms / Resistance’. Special issue of DiGest, Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies, 4 (2017)2 (Link)
Anaïs Van Ertvelde ‘Editorial. Unruly Bodies: Struggles with Normativity, Autonomy, and Materiality’. Special issue of DiGest, Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies, 4 (2017)2 (Link)
2017 – Reviews
Anna Derksen, Review of: Stoll, J. (2017), Behinderte Anerkennung? Interessenorganisationen von Menschen mit Behinderungen in Westdeutschland seit 1945 | Schlund, S. (2017), “Behinderung” überwinden? Organisierter Behindertensport in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1950-1990), in: H-Soz-Kult (Link)
Anna Derksen, Review of: Makko, A. (2017), Ambassadors of Realpolitik. Sweden, the CSCE, and the Cold War, in: H-Soz-Kult (Link)
Anna Derksen, Review of: Schenk B.-M. (2016), Behinderung verhindern. Humangenetische Beratungspraxis in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1960er bis 1990er Jahre) | Lingelbach G., Waldschmidt A. (Eds.) (2016), Kontinuitäten, Zäsuren, Brüche? Lebenslagen von Menschen mit Behinderungen in der deutschen Zeitgeschichte, in: H-Soz-Kult (Link)
Anna Derksen, Review of: Schall, C. E. (2016), The Rise and Fall of the Miraculous Welfare Machine. Immigration and Social Democracy in Twentieth-Century Sweden, in: H-Soz-Kult (Link)
2017 – Media
Anaïs Van Ertvelde, ‘Ongevraagde vondsten’, DeMorgen (September 2017) (Original) & (Link)
Anaïs Van Ertvelde, ‘Mindervalide is geen synoniem van zielig, Meryl’, DeMorgen (January 2017) (Original) & (Link)
2017 – Blog posts
Sam de Schutter, ‘Algiers, 1999: Disability, Development and Human Rights in Africa’, Online Atlas on the History of Humanitarianism and Human Rights (October 2017) (Link)
Sam de Schutter, ‘Disability, development and humanitarianism: the Global Humanitarianism Research Academy’, Rethinking Disability (September 2017) (Link)
Anna Derksen, ‘A Right to Live Where They’re at Home’: Identity, Nation-Building and the International Year of Disabled Persons 1981 in Greenland’, Rethinking Disability (July 2017) (Link)
Paul van Trigt, ‘A new take on human rights history? Investigating the United Nations’ Observances’, Rethinking Disability (June 2017) (Link)
Anaïs Van Ertvelde, ‘Window, mirror, meeting place II: An evening at the Leuven Disability Film Festival’, Rethinking Disability (May 2017) (Link)
Anaïs Van Ertvelde, ‘Window, mirror, meeting place I: A very short history of disability film festivals’, Rethinking Disability (May 2017) (Link)
Sam de Schutter, ‘How albinism rose to the center stage of disability advocacy in Tanzania (and what this tells us about ‘local’ histories of disability)’, Public Disability History (April 2017) (Link)
Anna Derksen, ‘Disability on display III: 21 portraits for chromosome 21’, Rethinking Disability (March 2017) (Link)
Anna Derksen, ‘Disability on display II: “A history of Denmark that must not be repeated”‘, Rethinking Disability (March 2017) (Link)
Anna Derksen, ‘Disability on display I: Human bodies in the service of science’, Rethinking Disability (February 2017) (Link)
Paul van Trigt and Susan Legêne, ‘Writing disability into colonial histories of humanitarianism’, in: Social Inclusion 4:4 (2016) 188-196 (Link)
Paul van Trigt, Jacqueline Kool and Alice Schippers, Humanity as a contested concept: relations between disability and ‘being human’’, in: Social Inclusion 4,4 (2016) 125-128 (Link)
Monika Baár, ‘The European disability ‘revolts’ of 1980/81: How were they related to the youth revolts?’ in: Andersen K., Steen B. van der (eds.) A European Youth Revolt in 1980/81 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016) 159-171 (Link)
Paul van Trigt, Luc Brants and Alice Schippers, ‘Handicap in Nederland. Een historisch overzicht van benaderingen van mensen met een beperking in het moderne Nederland’, in: Geert Van Hove et al. (eds.), Disability Studies in de Lage Landen (Antwerpen/Apeldoorn 2016) 320-333 (Link)
Paul van Trigt, ‘Human rights and the welfare state. An exploratory history of social rights in the postwar Netherlands’, in: Zapruder World 3 (Link)
Paul van Trigt, ‘Hoeveel diversiteit kan de familie Doorsnee aan?’, Sociale Vraagstukken 2016 (Link)
2016 – Blog posts
Monika Baár, ‘Disability history and the cultural meaning of signatures’, Public Disability History (June 2016) (Link)
Paul van Trigt, ‘De historicus, de moralist en de kunstenaar’, Disability Studies in Nederland (April 2016) (Link)